Amityville House of Pancakes Omnibus, Vol 3

Welcome back to the weirdness once again! This year, AHOP 3 is featuring three novellas of greasy, happy goodness. Gary K. Wolf (Who Censored Roger Rabbit?) and Jehane Baptiste lead off with “The UnHardy Boys in Outer Space,” followed byK.M. Praschak‘s “Paragon,” and capped off with another Dalton Quayle adventure by Paul Kane, “Dalton Quayle and the Tomb of King Tuti Frutti.”
Amityville House of Pancakes Vol 1 was our very first print book, and was a happy descendant of the Amityville House of Pancakes Webzine, which existed back in the prehistoric days of Web 1.0, before the bubble burst and when animated GIFs were alive and well. We liked to specialize in the absurd parts of genre fiction, and still do – keep your eyes peeled (and buy this book, so we know you’re interested) for another volume.